Where was your favourite Australian holiday and what made it so memorable?
2008-01-06 17:42:34 UTC
I love travelling around Australia and have been to so many great places, but I want to know which holiday within Australia stands our most in your memory.
- Sonia Kruger

For more on my favourite Aussie holiday destinations and other great travel ideas check out
175 answers:
2008-01-11 04:52:44 UTC
we drove from Sydney- S.A, up to the centre, stopped at Coober Pedy, what a fascinating place, then to Uluru, beautiful, then worked our way up to Darwin, stopping Alice Springs, Tenant Creek,Mataranka, Katherine. So many things to see and do. Spent 5 days in Darwin, the nicest, cleanest place I have ever been to, can't wait to go back. Then back down to 3 ways and across to Townsville, and slowly made our way back down to Sydney. The red centre was the most memorable, camel riding and just the sights, gorges, springs etc. This was actually our 1st time out of nsw, my wife & I drove this trip in 6 weeks with an 8 year old child in the car, & we all survived. Cant wait to do it again, but take 6 months, not weeks.
2016-12-21 02:20:22 UTC
2008-01-11 04:56:06 UTC
A place called Nambucca Heads, its within a half hour drive of Coffs Harbour. The perfect time to go there is over the new years break, where, at night time, you just sit on the bridge which looks over the lake (so clear you can see the bottom and the tropical fish in one area) at sunset. You can even swim over to the sand bar which is a tiny little island of sand which is surrounded by this lake, and you lye there on your back and watch the sunset and the stars for hours. There are tonnes of beaches, lakes, etc. The atmosphere is so calming you never thought a skyscraper was invented! The locals that own the restaurant are so nice and all the hotels are in walking distance of any leisure you like. One day you might feel like snorkeling with the tropical fish in the crystal clear water, and the next day you might feel like going surfing, or maybe walking in a nature park with the most beautiful waterfalls you will ever see. Also, the accomodation is sooooo cheap! It's about $1000 a week, that includes about 6 bedrooms, two bathrooms, the best view for sunsets. Also, the water is nice and warm all the time! You can tell it was my best holiday ever can't you!
2008-01-14 10:35:05 UTC
The fabulous road trip with my friend from Darwin to Sydney via Rockhampton.As an urbanite it didn't look that far on the map... but WOW what an adventure.

Final night in Darwin watched the sun set from Mindl beach for the last time – spectacular! Then off on the Sturt highway.Alone on the freeway on a straight stretch of road to the horizon and not a car or truck to be seen and the same in your rear view mirror. Blue skies and you feel like flying.

Mataranka, springs were inviting before you get to the last great outpost Tennant creek.

Crows hussle out of your way at the last minute and stare menacingly at the thought of interrupting their roadkill pizza

Mud and rock from Camoweal to Mt Isa, bush landscape changes oh so slowly,And so do the vehicles from Semi doubles and dirt swept 4 x4's to miner's utes to new sedan 4 doors!

As the road widens the pace more rushed.

Emu's dragging you off at the fence lines at Jericho. Eastward along the emerald highway then south at Rocky (Rockhampton) Rocky to Sydney – well everyone’s probably done that one along the Pacific and Bruce highways!

With only an am radio and no air conditioning except the windows wound down you soon sort out whether you can bear the company of your co driver! Surprisingly my friend became my best friend on the trip - now adventurous husband of 8 years!

My outback holiday was the journey of a lifetime and not the destination !
2008-01-16 02:16:47 UTC
My fondest memory of holiday destinations would have to be when a was a child spending holidays at lakes entrance Victoria and Buchan Caves, which is approx half hour drive from the lakes. What makes me remember this is the paddles boats and bikes as well as the yummy ice creams we would get from the icecream shop. Buchan Cave brings back vivid memories of the kangaroos coming down from the hill and above the caves for some bread. I also remember the fairy caves and how big and beautiful it was and how cold it was as well.

I have been back a few times since and I can say the caves dont seem so big now, but all the same that area is my most favourite and memorable place. I know I will always return and show my children the beauty of the lakes and its surrounds.
2008-01-10 18:48:13 UTC
You can't go past a place called WINDJANA GORGE, in the King Leopold Range W.A.

It's an eye opener, it shows that Australia had TWO(02) Great Barrier Reefs. Sometime in between, the 1st and 2nd Ice Age, prior to the Great Continental


The other fascinating place is the Great Wall, in the Mungo National Park N.S.W.

To see something, that looks like Bondi Beach, yet is surrounded by salt bush.

As it shows, where the Australian Continent ended Prior To. The Great Continental Shift, and whilst it resembles sand. It has a Sun Dried outer Crust, which means walking on it, is not much of a problem, and the Office there has a range of Artifacts and Fossils that go back, to well before the coming of Man.
Miss Bo
2008-01-15 03:27:11 UTC
I have been twice to Australia on holidays and went to many places there. My wish is to go back as soon as possible !!!

I remember a shark gliding under me as I was swimming next to the boat on the Great Barrier Reef. I didn't stay long into the water after that, that I can tell !

I rode on a coach from the Katherine to the Alice, and in the end we were just the three of us and a couple of young English people. It is a long ride on the Stuart Highway ! We separated in Alice Springs. A few days ago as we were drinking champagne at sunset in fromt of the Rock, I had the surprise to see the English boy coming to us, happy to see us again. The planet is so small !

But, may be, the most memorable to me was entering the Bojangles in Alice Springs for my first night there. In fact while in France back from my first holidays in Australia, I had been spending afternoons connected to that place, watching the people dancing and sending music requests to the two DJs. They had become kind of friends to me, and even some people working there were glad to discover who that Mary from France was !

I know Melbourne, Sydney, Cairns, darwin, Ayers Rock and Alice Springs. Next I should visit Western Australia.

Miss Bo is for Miss Bojangles, a nickname given to me.
2008-01-14 00:40:38 UTC
Stanthorpe, in S/E Queensland.

I just had a camping holiday there, with my 3 sons age 15, 11, and 8. Tricky satisfying all of them. but found that the environment did it for me!

We loved the granite landscape.

there are walks in National Parks, waterfalls native animals I have not seen alsewhere, we saw a daddy Emu with 7 1/2 grown young sheltering under a tree, by the time we stopped to see them better they were a long way away!

It is so important to see and smell and sense the natural inhabitants.

It was after all the recent rain so we had frogs, crickets, snakes turtles all in view trying to seek dry land. A profusion of wild flowers and butterlies. My boys learned to be alert and aware and respect for the bush.

We went to unspoilt waterfalls, unfenced and roaring just beside us.

we learned to negotiate off road (in a sedan) so as not to get bogged.

Bald Rock, Thunderbolt's Hideout, many wineries and a stoic interested and supportive community.

I believe a holiday should involve adventure and learning about where you go. We loved the place and the land and the people.My boys will never forget this holiday

We saw paddocks washed away by flood water and had to respect the power of nature.The trip to the coast was so sad. The damage done when small creeks become wide rushes of dirt thieving water that steals the best soil and leaves debris and fences that fall into a cravass.

Our experience was unique because of the climate, but we definitely want to return and perhaps I can return with adult friends for a Winery tour!

Apparently that is the main attraction, although my Kids found so much else attractive.
Daniel S
2008-01-10 22:09:48 UTC
Hey Sonia

I have to say one of my favourite most recent holiday destinations was a chance visit to Evans Head in NSW. I went for a Sunday drive down the coast from Brisbane and decided to pop into this little town just to check it out. After a bit of exploring I stumbled across Goanna Headland, where I was greeted with the most amazing secluded beach I have ever seen.

I was the only person around for miles, and I spent at least three hours just walking from one beach to the next, marveling at the crystal clear ocean water, the wildflowers, the rock formations and the winding bush tracks in between.

I seriously think it would be the most amazing place in the country to take a girl for a romantic picnic. A fruit platter with a nice bottle of red, tucked away under a rocky windshelter on a blanket overlooking the pounding surf... aah I'm almost there just writing about it. Want to come with me? <3
John Truth Teller
2008-02-01 06:15:25 UTC
The national parks and wildlife offer some great heritage accommodation at quite beautifully secluded place. I mention two place that are fairly close to small townships of great character and community feeling. The first is Yarrangobilly caves. This has a majestic system of self or guided tours of about 5 caves, all a must to see. The accommodation are heritage list homesteads. No mod-con, just the basics but the charm they generate. The second is Green Cape Lighthouse. A Lighthouse and homestead situated on a headland of equal stature. Tumut or Cooma are town close to Yarrangobilly Cave 75 km and 110 kg respectively. Eden is the closest to Green Cape Lighthouse about 75 km. Both have natural scenic bush. The cave are in the high country and Green Cape Has rugged headland secluded bay and beaches. Have take your own sheet extecra. See National Park and Wildlife NSW for more information
2008-01-15 02:20:00 UTC
Hi. My favourite Australian holiday was a week on Dunk Island in 1965. It was pretty basic back then. Airstrip.Resort and Brammo Bay, but what a lovely beach! In those days Dunk was owned by Eric Mcilree who was the Managing Director of Avis Rent- a - Cars Australia and he was staying on the island at the time. He took me and a few other guests for a low flight over the Reef in his Twin Apache Aircraft. What a sight that was .I will never forget it. We used to have morning and afternoon tea on the jetty,which was very relaxing. At low tide you could walk over to Orpheus Island and back before the tide began to turn. A week was not long enough but i had to go back to work .This was the start of my love affair with the Great Barrier Reef for the next 30 years.
2008-01-12 13:16:34 UTC
My favourite Aussie holiday would have to be packing the car as kids and heading off with the parents along the Pacific Highway, NSW passing through all the small places on our way to Brunswick Heads. A small beachside tide near Byron Bay, great beaches, a good river to swim in, friendly locals and

they have a great pub opposite the river with a great beer garden and good quality food.

Alot of travelling done since then and still Brunswick Heads is still high on the list of places for a friendly family atmosphere.
2008-01-10 20:45:56 UTC
My favourite Australian holiday was when I was a young teenager living in Victoria, we travelled with our next door neighbours to Queensland, to all the tourist places like the Big Pineapple, all all other places. It was funny because our car had trouble, the car went over a rock and the fuel container broke, so we were stranded for 4 hours somewhere in Queensland, but on the whole travelling with your neighbours was a good idea, Mum is still friends with the lady from next door some 30 years later.
2008-01-20 20:02:32 UTC
never did like the place and i wouldn't consider personally i ever did go on a 'holiday' in Australia. It not what i would discern to be holiday material per se. And having lived there for a year (Sydney) & traveling around numerous places i find the Australian continent hot, far short from it so called 'four season' promise and in addition to the landscape of this country it could be simply represented by a single photograph of a typical Australian setting lets say a photograph composed of wide, flat, barren and non-arable land filled with dying brown and yellow flora. A total eye sore!!

Now back in Denver with it real and distinct seasons and highly noticable seasonal change and did i mention the great mountain scenery which i wake up to gladly every single day, i really do wonder how i ever left this place for a unreversible 365 day stint in Australia.
2008-01-11 01:18:26 UTC
Hi Sonia,

when I was 17 I went on a 10 day bus tour of central Australia. I loved Coober Pedy, the underground houses, fossiking for opals, the restaurants...everything! I also loved Alice Springs, Kings Canyon (and finding a swimming hole to cool down in) my highlight would be climbing Ayers Rock. You aren't allowed to do it now, I did get heat stress and had to get helped down from there (must of been the champers we drank once we got to the top haha) but now that I look back on it, it would of been the highlight of the holiday. I plan on taking my kids up that way before they get too much older, and when I can find the time :)
2008-01-13 20:14:21 UTC
Hi there!

When I was in my final year of primary school, my mum, my sister and myself motorhomed around Australia for almost a year. I can't pick a single favourite place we stayed at but here are a few..

QLD- Rubyvale and Sapphire, Barcaldine, Lawn Hill National Park

NT- Uluru, Darwin, Litchfield, Kakadu, Mataranka Springs

WA- Karijina National Park, Broome, Barn Hill, Shark Bay World Heritage Area, Esperance, Margaret River Region

Theres a lot more but these are the first that stand out in my mind.

It was the best year ever!
Matilda J
2008-01-11 02:45:29 UTC
Hi there,

One of my favourite holiday destinations is the Sapphire Coast NSW.

Eden, Pambula & Merrimbula - each of them have different things to offer.

There are so many hidden areas for fishing and swimming and you get the best of both worlds. There is literally something for everyone (bushwalking, swimming, surfing, watersports, getting pampered, shopping, clubs, horseriding or just relaxing). For people that really appreciate nature at its best this is a great destination.

I still have great memories from childhood here, from camping in Pambula and feeding the kangaroos to watching whales and dolphins and finally catching my first fish. For those who like a drive take the coastal route from these areas to Sydney - some great places on the way.

just checking
2008-01-12 17:00:07 UTC
I love the Flinders Ranges in SA. I've been there twice and would not hesitate to go again, there is just so much to see. I took a 4WD trip from Arkaroola to the very peak of the range. What an awesome vista. The ranges change colours all day long. I've seen it dry and I've seen it after weeks of rain and its completely different. If you've never been you have to go - its a must for any tru blu Aussie holiday. Spring is the best time.
2008-01-16 19:41:11 UTC
Sonia Kruger? My perfect holiday? A holiday all around Australia with you! Ooops sorry that overstepped the bounds of decency, I am sorry!

When I was a kid of seven years of age, my folks took my sister and I out of school, I am 47 this September. We had toured from an early age, all over South Africa where I was born, England, Scotland, Wales, then came by a 707 to Sydney aged four upon arrival at Kingsfood Smith when I was the son of ten pound British immigrants. Anyway aged seven, dad loves exploring, he took mom, my, sister on the holiday of a life time over a six week period.

We had had the wetest floods on record in out back Australia, we had convoyed to get to the point where we went from Alice Springs to Adelaide which that was to become the first of many trips there about 20 in total and also Perth, Melbourne about three times and all over NSW and Queensland too many times to count, as well as all of Victoria.

On the ocassion of my seventh year of age, we snaked up the NSW coastling and inland to see key tourist features in a Volksvagen Kombi, we had a husband and wife team with us, both he and dad are professional men, or were, dad died four years ago sadly, but, when we toured, mother had this terribly British habbit of recording it all on colour cinema film, along with the music of the time on singles in vinyl transposed onto VHS tape, I spose with high definition TV home movies are the last things you guys are interested in at Channel Seven? Then and now?

I have this dream, not of taking two ankle bighters like my sister of 8 at the time and me at 7 were, but, a dream, where, an incredibly beautifully gifted narator could carefully do an Alby Mangels thing. Look its just a dream, incredibly beautiful ladies like you Sonia aren't single I basically respect they guy in your life way too much to interfere, but, I guess, if you aint daring, never have a dream and never fulfill what might be there, nightmares of regret plague you?

Just ingore it, its not an indecent proposal, just a desire, probably unworthy, I will find someone, its just messy divorces hurt. You have a really great show, I watch it regularly. The whole team putting it together should be congratulated, its absolutely fantastic!
aussie girl
2008-01-14 02:57:49 UTC
Hi Sonia that question is easy to answer my holiday that stands out the most is when my hubby and I went to Cairns it was so lovely and peaceful and romantic we visited alot of places and had a wonderful 3 week stay at Yorkeys Knob.It was so memorable because it was my honeymoon!Nearly 12 years ago!
2008-01-12 13:00:37 UTC
You've obviously struck a cord. 66 answers is fantastic!

My ambition has always been to go to the Olympic Games and in 2000, me and my partner checked the feasibily of going to Sydney. (Incidentally, it was the year of my 50th birthday).

Unfortunately, when we checked the cost, it was just too expensive, so, we compromised and went in January 2000.

We had 5 days in Hong Kong, going into China, followed by a couple of days in Cairns, visiting the Great Barrier Reef.

We then drove 1800 miles to Sydney, stopping off in the Whitsundays, Noosa Heads, Yepoon(?), close to Rockhampton; finishing off in Byron Bay, before going on to Sydney for, I think, about a week.

The trip of a lifetime. I would love to do it again.

Incidentally, with regard to the Olympics, if I live that long - I'll be 62 - I will be going to the London Games in 2012.

It was a really good question and I've thoroughly enjoyed giving you my response.
give me TRUTH
2008-01-11 22:33:40 UTC
Hi Sonia

my fav Aussie holiday memory was in 1997 when I was 13 , we went up to Monkey Mia (Western Australia) , my family and a friends family.

It was amazing. we went snorkeling in the clearest waters , swimming at pristine deserted beaches , sailing on a cateraman , eating good food every night , 4 wheel driving , and what topped it of and made it more memorable was the good company!

I highly recommend Monkey Mia and Kalbarri for a chill out session.

2008-01-11 07:05:58 UTC
I have 2, Margaret river is a divine place to visit and I love the country... the wineries and the beaches...Awesome!!!

I also loved the Gold Coast and the theme parks, we did this as a family holiday and we all had a great time it was memorable because we were all together and there is something for everyone and the coast line is great!

Paul B
2008-01-10 21:11:45 UTC
I really loved my first terip to Byron Bay in northern NSW.

Went swimming with dolphins, bushwalking, surfing, had BBQs on the beach, went to parties in Bolongil fields, did the whole hippy thing too.

That was a LONG time ago (1986 ). The people I went with complained that it wasn't like the old Byron Bay, it had really changed. When I went there was one pub for the tourists ( the Railway ) and one for the locals. The Shed was the third pub which kind of tolerated anyone.

Byron is just another over commercialised tourist dump now. The shed was bought by Hoges and turned into a total brass and glass hole with now character and over priced drinks.
2008-01-15 15:24:04 UTC
I went to a workshop for women and it was wonderful,the women there were supportive, not bitching like they usually do. It was the best thing I've ever been to in Australia. (And it was a holiday because we were all able to relax and trust each other). So you see it can be done. It's just a pity it takes a special effort to do something like this here. We've taken on the American style too much, Anywhere where capitalism rules to excess will be unfriendly to people's relationships, but we can change.
2008-01-15 13:27:40 UTC
I spent a little while at Lake McQuarry (I know that's not spelled correctly it's late where I am and it was 49 years ago). The reason it was memorable was because I was severely sunburned. As I couldn't get over a broken heart, I left Australia in 1960 and spent some time in Canada (I'm Canadian) before comming to England where I remain, having done reasonably well for myself. I loved Sydney.
2008-01-14 16:11:39 UTC
In 2004, my brother and I drove his 4 wheel drive from Brisbane to Siesa, (most Northern part of mainland Australia.) the changing scenery right through outback Queensland was magnificent.

Once we reached there we had Islands to explore, (including Thursday Island) it was a whole new culture,(the Thursday Islanders have their own ways.) the fishing was great, and the wildlife was fun to watch, huge crocs all along that coast.

I must admit my favourite place on the trip was Cairns, it's a great place to holiday and easy to travel too many interesting places from.

By the time we had returned to Brisbane we had clocked up 8000km, and had also visited many of the islands down the coast, including Fraser Island.
Chris T
2008-01-13 19:35:00 UTC
Eungella (pronounced Young-gella) west of Mackay in Qld. Pitch a tent on the shores of Eungella Dam and swim, fish, or camp in the caravan park or stay at the local Eungella Hotel. The pub has the most amazing beer garden - a hang gliding ramp juts out over the 1000-foot drop into the valley below - hosts the Aust hang gliding championships. Watch the platypus swim in the caravan park river pools. Catch black bream in the Broken River pools upstream of the dam and giant eels in the dam itself. Misty clouds swirl around the high Eungella Range, gold miners pan along Bee Creek. Magic place!
2008-01-11 21:27:00 UTC
Hi Sonia,

My most memorial holiday was taken at Apollo Bay in Victoria. I took my two children before it became "daggy" to holiday with mum. We treked up a slight mountain early in the evening with a group of other people and waited for darkness. All of a sudden the forest around us lit up with a thousand little lights. They were glow worms. This was the most magical experience we have experienced to date. Along with the horse rides on the surf beach, sleeping to the sound of the crashing waves each night, we also visited the beautiful waterfalls. One in particular brings back to mind how the kids started fighting with each other and pushed each other into the water and ended up covered in leaches.Needless to say they didn't argue with each other for the rest of the holiday. Another bonus!
2008-01-11 17:27:28 UTC
My favourite Australian holiday was a four wheel drive trip from Sydney to western Australia and back ; It was memorable because of all the places we saw on the way over and while there and on the way back
2008-01-10 16:26:48 UTC
My school has a tradition that every year, in the holidays after term 3, year 11 goes on a trip around outback Australia. It was the 20th trip that the school has done. We went to Willandra, Broken Hill, Port Augusta, Cooper Pedy, Yulara (Uluru), King's Creek (King's Canyon), Oodnadatta, Coward Springs (Ghan railway), Rawnsley Park (Flinders Ranges), Lake Mungo, Hay, and finally back home.

We (sixty-seven students and ten teachers and parents) travelled on four small buses (named Mad Max, Magic Mushroom, Roadrunner and Jukebox) and had a number of breakdowns and flat tyres.

It was an amazing experience and the trials of 4am wake-up calls, sleeping in and putting up tents everyday, cooking for over 70 people and packing everything into trailers everyday, strengthened friendships and formed great new relationships between us.

Special events on the trip included the Outback Challenge on the bank of the Murrimbidgee River. This was where six brave kids raced to eat various courses (1 dry weetbix, 1 raw egg, 1 frozen meat pie, 1 sachet of soup powder, 1 tin of anchovies, 1 mint Kitkat and 1 bottle of tonic water) and keep them down.

Another highlight took place at King's Canyon, at the exact place where a part of "Priscilla Queen of the Desert" was filmed. All the boys bought drag at an op shop we found in Broken Hill. When we arrived at the location after a long hike through the canyon, they got changed and performed a dance routine for the girls and the other various tourists who happenned to be there (what they must think of Aussies now!)

In Oodnadatta, we stayed on the field of the local school and that evening we met some of the local kids and played a game of basketball with them. They were really great people who I will never forget.

This trip gave me new appreciation for the varied beauty of our country. The locals we met in the towns we visited were truly wonderful people and I am a better person for having gone on this trip.

I am truly grateful to the teachers and volunteers who made it possible and especially the one teacher who thought it up in the first place and has kept it alive all these years.

It was the most wonderful experience of my life!
2008-01-16 05:12:00 UTC
The location and scenery are just background music to the experiences you have. But to really enjoy your vacation, there have to be the right attitude from the people around. So that makes me say:-


Laid back, arty, lots more hilly areas plus Tree Top walk 1 hour from Hobart. I used to holiday in Oppussum Bay (5 km by water, or 50 km by road from Hobart)


Just outside the ulcer-belt from Melbourne. If traffic banks up 2 blocks, that is peak hour ... nothing like the way Melbourne Freeways have the top speed of a car park for 5 km. Lots of variety and the best beaches in Victoria.

Kings Park, Perth:

Lots of friendly people around town and this park overlooks the city in one direction or the river in another.

Tamborine Mountain, inland from the Gold Coast:

Lots of rainforrest walks, tropical bird life, rock pools under waterfalls, and close to some of the best beaches in Australia.

Then anywhere else where humans can get close to animals (birds, horses, dolphins, butterflies, koalas)
Sharon c
2008-01-13 03:15:32 UTC
I don't just have one favourite, but have a few. They have one thing in common though:-they were all spent in south west of western Australia. One year myself, husband, 3 kids and grandson spent a week at a beach resort in Margaret River. We had so much fun enjoying the beaches and doing all the "touristy" things the region had to offer. Last year we went to Pemberton and my parents, sister and her kids came too. We did alot of outdoor activities, like canoeing, mini golf, archery etc. and had such a laugh. I also had relatives from UK visit 18mths ago and I took them to Albany for a week. It was a wonderful time seeing all Albany had to offer, and we crammed in lots of things. It was wonderful seeing things through the eyes of visitors to our country. The favourite thing about all my holidays is spending that time with people I love. When I go on holidays I have to explore all the area has to offer and the SouthWest of Western Australia has something for all tastes.
2008-01-10 21:09:04 UTC
Most favourite is when i drove from melbourne (home) to gold coast on my own for a holiday in the sun on my own after a few bad things occured in my life at the time. Spent a week have fun in the gold coast before driving home again.

After doing such a trip alone you really learn how to get used to your own company and that of the radio in the car for 19 hours each way.
2008-01-10 15:44:10 UTC
Mine was a family trip that we took to Inverell, in northern NSW. We went fossicking for sapphires, which is great fun, especially when there's the hope of finding a big stone!

While we were there we drove around and found so many great things, like a man who had made his own amusement park on his property, and a Clydesdale horse show. It was the best trip I've ever taken, just because I'd never done anything like it.
2008-01-15 18:51:13 UTC

My favourite holiday in Australia was when my parents were still together, my dad flew a six seat plane with my mum, myself and my brother on board from Kalgoorlie WA to Newcastle NSW, we went stopped at Ayers Rock, Broken Hill and a few other places which I cannot remember.

It was great being able to see places from the sky and to be able to stop where we wanted.

When in Newcastle we visited our Grandparents, aunties and uncles, cousins and our friends. It was a fantastic holiday with some amazing photos and it is certainly one holiday I will never forget.
2008-01-11 04:52:58 UTC
I'd have to be going back about 14 years to when I was about four to remember my best holiday.

My family went up to Echuca for a holiday and we stayed at a local caravan, with our caravan right next to a lake. The thing that made it so memorable was there was a beautiful duck that I called Sam, and I was always so happy to see him because it was like having my own pet and I liked his green feathers. I remember I was horrified when my parents said they were going to have him for dinner, so I used to shoo him away from the door.

I also remember there was an "ugly" duck and when ever it came out of the water I used to jump onto the picnic benches and scream because I thought it was going to eat me.

Aaaah! Good memories.
2008-01-10 16:39:54 UTC
My favourite holiday of all time was definately Broome WA. It was so memorable because I got married there behind the beautiful backdrop of it's amazing natural wonders.

We used a company based in Broome to create a honeymoon and elopement package for us and they organised other activities for our hooneymoon and we did many things while we were there like, sunset camel rides along Cable Beach, a moonlight hovercraft ride over the tidal flats of Moonlight Bay, a day flight up to the Horizontal Waterfalls, a visit to Malcolm Douglas's Crocodile Park, a Pearl Luggers Tour, and a hooneymoon package at the Day Spa at Bali Hai Resort (in which we stayed and was magnificent).

It was one of the most amazing holidays and I can not wait to get back there on our anniversary. There is so much to do in Broome that we really need another chance to get back there and experience more of it. Most of all, all my wedding photos and video are outstanding because the scenery in Broome is absolutely breathtaking.

It truely is a magical place.
The Kelda
2008-01-10 16:28:24 UTC
Heron Island Research Station. I went with my uni - technically not a holiday! We stayed at the research station and got to snorkel and walk on the reef every day, as well as having access to the research station's library and resources. I thought it was a much better experience than staying in the resort! My most vivid memory is diving on the windward side of the island. I looked down and saw I was swimming above a school of sharks and when I looked up there was a turtle cruising along just above me. Absolutely magical.
2014-10-27 11:08:35 UTC
I have this dream, not of taking two ankle bighters like my sister of 8 at the time and me at 7 were, but, a dream, where, an incredibly beautifully gifted narator could carefully do an Alby Mangels thing. Look its just a dream, incredibly beautiful ladies like you Sonia aren't single I basically respect they guy in your life way too much to interfere, but, I guess, if you aint daring, never have a dream and never fulfill what might be there, nightmares of regret plague you?

Just ingore it, its not an indecent proposal, just a desire, probably unworthy, I will find someone, its just messy divorces hurt. You have a really great show, I watch it regu
2008-01-06 19:14:27 UTC
I love Jervis Bay - I stayed in Vicentia and there is just so much to do including gorgeous beaches (did you know that the next door town - Hyams Beach - is in the Guinness Book of Records for having the world's whitest sand), a quaint cinema in Huskinsson and the best restaurant at Paperbark Camp (really delicious food). We also canoed in the pristine nearby Nature Reserve. I can't wait to go back.
2014-09-03 19:55:38 UTC
This year I am flying to Adelaide for a business conference in Feb, but, the wander lust for this great nation, plus an old T towel of Krueiger National Park on a bit of dowling from 45 years ago made me admire your name Sonia, I have never been back, aged 16 I was supposed to put my name in a draw for military service, LMAO compulsary conscription was the law then for dodging the South African military draft, LOL as if they would accept a 46 year old now? gotta admit, your name is probably dutch not Afrikance? Whatever! Have a great weekend! Phil.
2008-01-15 07:08:52 UTC
On a nice day Kingston SE is a well kept secret. It has beautiful calm sea which is safe for children to swim in - most people turn towards Adelaide on the highway and never go in - they might be surprised at the development that is happening there - i was . Hopefully it wont loose its charm like over crowded Robe has 40 kilometres down the road in summer.
2008-01-13 22:25:01 UTC
Mandurah or Margret River- Mandurah because my parents have a holiday house down there and it is great to take the little girl down there with me. I have so many memories of that house. Now that the train is open, it's even better. And Margret River is fantastic too. If anyone is looking for a place to go in mid WA, they are the places to go.
jennifer h
2008-01-06 18:06:05 UTC
Travelling by Caravan from Western Australia up to Darwin. It is magnificent Country. So diverse. So beautiful and oh so interesting. Swimming naked at Coral bay off a secluded area In the World heritage Ningaloo reef amongst those amazing corals and beautifully coloured fish. Watching magnificent Lightening displays through the Kimberlies. Sharing a cut up water melon with several Aboriginal children and seeing their beautiful smiley happy faces. Watching the sun set on Cable Beach in Broome. the list goes on.
2008-01-14 23:52:31 UTC
I drove across australia from albany wa to gympie qld. the most memorable spot along the way was the head of The Great Australian Bite. In July you get to see the whales come in to play with their young. Magical
2008-01-13 19:47:37 UTC
This answer is outside of the box, i hope you do not mind. My favourite Australian holiday happened on the gold coast in 1986. I had a out of body near death experience as a back seat passenger in a car accident. I travelled for free. I went to jupiter and felt the enviroment. I saw a big tree with different coloured fruits and i saw a stream. I saw a place that has a white glow coming off everything, even the grass. I remember my angels. i remember feeling everywhere in the present. I remember meeting two universal nature angels one was the other ones overseer. her name is santana-maria. and she wants to come in. i remember coming back . but i don't want to... other than that holiday as a kid i went to byron bay a lot my uncle new mr watego. i remember going to the pass one morning and the entire bay was glistening with mullet.. that was about 1973.
2008-01-13 16:54:05 UTC
My fav has to be anywhere in Australia. I married my pen pal from Wales 32 years ago and now i get to see my homeland again through her eyes and comments with all our travelling. Anywhere travelling in Australia with my soul mate along side of me is the greatest. My picture is the first i sent to her, she says its the koala she fell in love with but I really do think its the Land, Life Style and our "melting pot of many agreeable people" that she came here and stayed. We ARE the Lucky Country!!
Eric B
2008-01-15 02:02:29 UTC
I was fortunate enough to retire early and go travelling this beautiful country of ours. My wife and I have been round Australia 3 times, by caravan and camping,and although not saying we've seen everything(oh I should live so long!) we sure have seen a lot,so it takes something special to be "the Best"

For all round "take your breath away" grandeur,sight seeing,experiences, characters and a whole lot of other stuff, the Kimberleys in WA did it for us. The memories of that wonderful land will be with me forever!

Do yourself a favour and GO THERE!!!!
2008-01-14 10:00:58 UTC
I've travelled a lot around Australia and i must say my most memorable place was a little Island just out of Perth Western Australia called Rottnest Island. It was surrounded by beautiful scenery and little Quakers who seemed to be greeting you with every step you took and every place you went on this beautiful Island, Rottnest.
2008-01-15 18:59:30 UTC
Hiring a Bulls Cruiser and boating around the Gippsland Lakes. The choices of swimming in the rivers or going over to the surf at 90-mile beach. Plenty of places to moor if you need to pick up more supplies; but basically a week of good food, good friends, and good times.
2008-01-11 14:20:14 UTC
Hi Sonia,

For as long as I can remember my Father always, somewhere at sometime, mentioned the words "Peace and serenity".

When I visited a Caravan camp he had set up in the early 80's, I knew immediately what he was on about. I have visited 'METUNG', on the Gippsland lakes, regularly ever since.
2008-01-16 04:08:30 UTC
One of my favourites and most memorable was hiring a campervan and travelling around Tasmania at our own leisure . Now thats what a call a real holiday!!
2008-01-14 21:00:27 UTC
My favourite holiday was when I went hiking in the Blue Mountains. The serenity and the beauty of the area make it so memorable.

I cannot wait until I get the chance to complete the Great Ocean Walk and go hiking in Cradle Mountain.
2008-01-14 14:57:01 UTC
One of the world's greatest scenic drives would have to be the Great Ocean Road. It's coastline and features are breath-taking. The Twelve Apostles, Bell's Beach and the townships and villages of Apollo Bay, Lorne, Port Fairy and the like are interesting. I like to put aside at least 4 days to see and visit everything at a leisurely pace.
2008-01-13 23:02:44 UTC
I think the New Year Eve are the most memorable holiday. The firework in the harbour side, watch it with friends and heaps of people celebrating close to Casino. That is fantastic and sensational.

Good luck for the new year, everyone!!
2008-01-12 23:16:01 UTC
Definitely Port Neill in Eyere's Peninsula. It's the best beach in the world! However, what makes it so memorable is all the wonderful childhood experiences there. Fishing, jetty jumping, catching up with old friends who also spent their summers there, new years fireworks, practising ballet by the beach on the summer nights, yummy cookies, rainbow paddlepops!!, riding jet-skys, skiing, bbqs, our little beach shack, dolphins!!, collecting crabs and shells, sting-rays swimming alongside boats, adventures out to 'the-blue line' (deep water where the sea-weed began), swimming lessons, sandcastle competitions, a shooting star!, reading, long-walks to the connecting back-beaches, beach cricket.........ahhh I'll NEVER forget Port. Neill
2008-01-12 18:49:20 UTC
a gr8 memory for me is when my dad took me to the city when i was 11. We walked around with our good ole aussie spirit by getting a couple of flags and went to a couple of those australia day concerts in parks and stuff. That night we saw Tina Arena at Hide Park and she was my favourtie singer since
2008-01-11 12:17:12 UTC
It was when I went to the theme parks on the Gold coast with my hubby and 2 kids at the time. It was 1998 and we went there and had a great time. The reason why it is so memorable is because we all had a great time and had a good ol' laugh.
2008-01-16 16:45:32 UTC
Uluru - Seeing it for the first time - there's no word that can adequately fit it's description - awesome, wonderful, magnificent, beautiful, breath taking - all this rolled into one and much, much more besides. Checking out it's beauty and the beautiful colours every sunrise and sunset, climbing it and then finally reaching the top, seeing out the vastness of the land from the top, finding out about it's history, seeing the paintings on it - it's fantastic! Best holiday ever.
2008-01-16 13:31:37 UTC
Melbourne actually, even though I only live 140 k's east & go there all the time. It was nice to not have to rush back home at the end of the day, to stay & watch the lights come on, to go & see all the little treasures in between the bigger, more well known sites, to waste time along the river & at station pier, to hop into any cafe at any time & not have to rush, plus it was my first holiday with my wife so the company helped.
2008-01-16 05:10:03 UTC
My family used to go to Dutchies (near Nelson Bay) in NSW every year for the Christmas holidays.

It was great, mum and dad and seven kids in a broken down shack for weeks on end.

Surfing, skiiing, sailing, swimming.

Watching the cricket on a tiny little black & white portable tv perched on top of the fridge.

Bbq dinner every night, no vegies for a WHOLE month!!!!

Brushing the sand off your feet before getting into bed at night, loving every minute of it.

2008-01-15 02:05:39 UTC
Well i with some friends used to do these surfing Safari's starting in December; starting at Bega south of Sydney and driving along the Pacific Highway up to Wollongong and then the Central coast up to Crescent Head / Seal Rocks and Forster and Byron Bay all the way up to Noosa in Queensland (by about June?) and then it was off to Perisher Valley for some sking (and we didn't forget our surfboards).
2008-01-13 20:24:38 UTC
Merimbula in nsw, lol, its kinda funny now when i look back that the reason i remember it so well is because my mum broke her leg in 3 places and my grandparents had to come stay with us and we got our holiday extended for 10 more days :p but the cheese factory is in bega not too far from it and theres magic mountain and the birds are really pretty
2008-01-13 19:15:54 UTC
Moreton Island off Brisbane. You need to have a 4 wheel drive vehicle.

If you just want to relax in a peaceful place that is absolutely beautiful without the tourists then this the place. My wife and I absolutely love it.

Their are no sealed roads just sand tracks to get from one side of the Island to the other and miles of beach to drive along, go fishing, swimming and wind down.

Fraser Island also top spot but for us the quiet and idealic Moreton Island is the place.
2008-01-11 09:16:05 UTC
It'd have to be ROTTO (Rottnest, WA) by far. I just love the scenery there its so different to Perth. I love the snorkeling and scuba diving as well.

My favourite memory there was when my brother just got back from his 7 month deployment in Iraq and he hadn't been back in Aus. is almost 2 years (He serves in USMC) so we took him there. We had so much fun snorkeling and going out on the boat fishing. Ahhh the memories!!

Great Question!!!
2008-01-10 20:18:38 UTC
I was about to answer, but Sweet L did it before. Jervis Bay, mate. The most beautiful spot in the South Coast.

Have you ever heard of Lake COnjola? 7k north Ulladula. Have a look.
Matthew C
2008-01-13 17:43:09 UTC
Living in Australia, I thought visiting the big red rock that tourists always come to see would be dead boring. Obviously, I was wrong. Visiting Ayers Rock and learning about its meaning was a wonderful experience, and the achievemnt of climbing Kings Canyon was wonderful too.
2008-01-11 23:23:46 UTC
Not as yet but would very much like to visit Australia, saw some nice travel documentary on Public Channel PBS in USA. Sonia your reference is also as pretty and nice as you look, thanks for sharing it, wish you a very happy and prosperous new year full of adventures
2008-01-11 19:59:14 UTC
the great barrier reef

it was so amazing discovering what lys beneath the deep blue sea

but don't be fooled it wasn't calm when i went i was sick about 20 times!!!

great experience though

but it wasn't about what i did i loved it because of the people i met and the atmosphere was just wonderful

it was also about the people i went with, my grandparents and family

but i absolutly love wide open spaces i went to a farm out of australia owned bye some family freinds it felt like their was so much more to discover, that i ruled the world!
Sam M
2008-01-14 15:14:11 UTC
Treetops Resort in Port Douglas. My face hurt from the smile I had! It was such a magic holiday with great service at the resort and the wonders of Mossman and the Daintree on our doorstep. A short hop to the reef for a day trip and you start to realise how lucky we are to live in such a diverse and wonderful land.
2014-09-16 00:34:08 UTC
Hi there,

Are you wondering how to downoad for free Big City Adventure San Francisco? You can get it for free here:

it's a perfectly working link, no scam!

This game is interesting for the hard-to-find fans, sharing all type of facts about San Francisco and 20 of its places. The game is composed of 120 rounds where the player has to find thousands of items.

Give it a try.
2008-01-15 04:32:48 UTC
York has been my favarite place and still is. Enjoy taking my 8 year old every Xmas there. As I live in Pingelly its a cheap holiday as I have animals need to be close to home.
2008-01-15 01:54:33 UTC
Melbourne Spring Racing Carnivale in October-November
2008-01-12 02:01:58 UTC
My most memorable holiday was driving from Sydney to Cairns stopping off overnight along the way. Seeing turtles swimming along the coastal line in Airlie Beach is something i'll never forget :>)
2008-01-15 22:15:34 UTC
hi sonia,

i would have to say queensland! ( at the moment)

my husband and i took our two daughters, aged 14 and 12 there not to long ago, the theme parks were amazing!!

and i just loved seeing my daughters having so much fun..

for some family's, a holiday doesn't come around that often, so it was most enjoyable for them and us. there are also lots of other places to enjoy aswell!! such as the underwater world, the big pineapple, and the australia zoo was also good...too many places to visit.. you need at least two weeks there to visit them all...Queensland!! it's a great place for a family holiday.......
2008-01-06 17:47:35 UTC

I have always loved Margaret River.

There is so much to do - beach, awesome caves, canoeing and now that I'm older, wine tasting and great restaurants.

We always used to hire a holiday house near the beach and just have an all round great time.
2008-01-13 17:18:22 UTC
I have always loved going to Morten Island because it is so quiet,relaxing and you can have lots of fun.The best thing is that you can swim with the dolphines if you are lucky enough.Renting a holiday house or camping is a cool thing too.
2008-01-12 23:35:22 UTC
Jervis Bay is definitely one of the best places in Australia!! And I'm going there this week!! YAY!!! I'm also staying at Vincentia and going to many beaches including Hyams Beach, with the whitest sands on earth!

Raquella M
2008-01-11 13:17:16 UTC
Camping and 4wding on Moreton Island with all my mates! Lots of laughs, a few drinks and music by the campfire, meeting new people strolling along the beach and just generally being silly. Moreton Island is BEAUTIFUL!

I don't think it matters where you are as long as you're with your friends/family! I'm currenly in Whistler, Canada and its wonderfull but it would be soooooooo much better with friends and family and I can't wait to bring them all back here...somehow! :)
2008-01-11 02:51:33 UTC
We as a family went to the Australian Zoo. We were so lucky to see Steve in action and receive an award for tourism. His entire family and friends stood by him with honour and admiration.

He chatted with everyone as they were mates and made us feel so welcome, his family became ours!

As an Australian i get goose bumps thinking that me; just a mother of two had a once in a life time chat with a wonderful, knowledged, compassionate and the most friendliest man the world continues to admire.

I can't think of anything else (apart from child birth)that i have seen and experienced that will last me a life time.
2008-01-16 00:43:48 UTC
Travelling on the Old Ghan from Adelaide to Alice Springs ,

That is as far at it went until recently.

I'm going back to travel up all the way to Darwin some day soon
2008-01-13 18:35:21 UTC
Moreton Bay in Queensland

Why? Because i love diving, and this place single handedly had all of the big things in just one dive site!

What did i see?

I heard whales calling underwater, grey nurse sharks circling underneath the anchor line of the boat, beautiful unbleached coral canyons, dugons, tropical fish galore, big huge estuary cod, manta shrimp, dolphins, what can i say? So close to Brisbane, and yet so many people don't know about it!
2008-01-11 04:40:46 UTC
Definatly the Gold Coast. I'll always remember it as the greatest fun. From Surfers paradise to the theme parks and also the big pinapple and perfect weather. Awesome.
2008-01-10 15:23:51 UTC
a 150 km walk over ten days through the kosiosco national park.being on the highest plains in aus' with the freshest of air,cleanest of water in absolute silence and one person for company was sheer heaven.from round mountian to cabramutta australias highest village can't go wrong.
please answer my questions
2008-01-06 17:55:08 UTC
there is this beatiful miniature island called lady elliot island - not much on the internet as there is only ever about 30 ppl on the island at one time. it is located in queensland - you get get there by jet from hervey bay.

the best bit about the island is the snorkelling. during high tide you go out to snorkel along the great barrier reef - during low tide you can walk alond the coral and watch the tour guide feed fish. there are over 100,000 birds on the island, and turtles hatch there every year.
Holy Cow
2008-01-12 14:59:54 UTC
To put it into very simple terms my favourite holiday is anywhere I can relax and enjoy the scenery with my family. We have been to some very remarkable areas and there is nothing better than seeing things with those you love
Aussie cricket fan
2008-01-11 21:02:20 UTC
Gold coast because i had never been outside the state before and i got to go to Wet 'n' Wild, movie world, sea world, and dream world. It is the stand out holiday of my life so far
2008-01-11 14:34:44 UTC
My avouite Australian Holiday would have to be going down to Albany walpole way. the tree top walkis the best
2008-01-06 21:20:45 UTC
The best holiday I had and most memorable was sailing the Whitsundays, for 10 days with three other couples, we had an absolute ball. Hoping to do it again one day.
John S
2008-01-15 03:56:33 UTC

I had lived in Brisbane for 10 years and visited a friend in East Fremantle.

The atmosphere was so laid back and suited me.

I flew back home, put in my notice at work, then packed the ute and drove to Perth where I still live.
2008-01-15 16:07:18 UTC
Opera House
2008-01-13 13:18:26 UTC
Jarvis Bay is the best place to go.

Fantastic Hyams Beach and National Park. I would say the best beaches in the world. If you camp the wild life is on your door step too.
2008-01-10 16:26:09 UTC
my fav holiday would have to be Mildura. I was born there and it brings back good memories, of my caravan park i used to live in,my school and the hill that i thought that was so big when i was young, but it is not even a hill. I always love going to Mildura i can never get sick of it.
2008-01-07 01:32:37 UTC
Hervey Bay in Qld. I caught up with relatives I had not seen for 30 years. Great holiday.
2008-01-14 01:54:10 UTC
hello sonia, my favourite australian holiday is the taxi ride to melbourne airport's international departures.

it's always memorable because i'm excited to be going far away from here.

and australian 'celebrities' especially.
2008-01-13 20:07:00 UTC
the cold coast i was twelve and ive never travelled before my foster parents took me around the cold coast an i even ran away from them coz i knew my real lived in australia but they caught up with an told me how big australia was i was gob smacked coz i was only twelve an its easy 2 get lost there. plus i caught my very first fish in the cold coast even tho i keep on droping my rod into the sea they were strong fish.. lol... i even met kangroos wow i kick from kangroo while trying to feed it boy did tat hurt
2008-01-13 16:27:12 UTC
Travelling along the east coast, from Cairns all the way down in Phillip Island (victoria). Seeing rainforests, reefs, cities, beaches...
2008-01-12 19:15:36 UTC
Denham in Shark Bay was really cool. What did it for me was believe it or not, the local fish n chips. The owner couldn't be more welcoming and even gave us Blue Boned Groper out of his private stock when the missus couldn't make up her mind and told him how she didn't like shark!
Ranjeeh D
2008-01-11 03:13:34 UTC
Coral Bay in WA, although it was a few years ago. The memorable thing about recent holidays is how expensive its becoming.
2008-01-10 16:17:41 UTC
The whitsundays. I love the people, the relaxed atmosphere and the natural beauty.

I haven't been too many places... but I go to the whitsundays at least once a year
Miss Kitty Kat >^,^<
2008-01-16 04:55:19 UTC

My fav holiday in Australia (so far) was to Port Douglas with my hubby about 2 months before our son was born. I loved it so much because it was a special and extra close time with my husband and our last trip alone! (traveling WITH a toddler is great too - a challenge, but great!)

2008-01-12 09:19:45 UTC
My favourite is when we visit and go to the Gold Coast. It's memorable because I was born there. My family live there and I always enjoy seeing them especially my new born cousin Ben.
2008-01-10 18:02:11 UTC
Definitely the Gold Coast, Queensland. I love the amusement parks. My favorite was Dream World! I love the Queensland weather and the beach.
2008-01-16 20:11:07 UTC
Definately Tangalooma, Moreton Island (Qld). Im a huge dolphin lover so feeding the dolphins was the best experience. Also sand tobogganing, quad bike riding and the spectacular views are a must do. I recommend.
2008-01-15 13:56:45 UTC
Twice been to Crown Casino in Melbourne on new years eve with a bunch of friends and with a little champagne (and forget about cabs or parking anywhere we just booked a limousine in advance)
2008-01-13 17:58:31 UTC
1987-1988 i went around this country with wife and kids and mum in law what made it so memorable apart from seeing beautiful country in which we live was had a mental breakdown in karratha and went onto anti depressants and split up with wife in cairns qld i started trip in bridgetown wa, completed trip year after split when had a car and enough money to get back to wa, favourite destination is cable beach wa why cos its beautiful.
2008-01-12 14:34:18 UTC
I liked the flinders ranges and st mary's peak beautiful scenery, great bushwalking. What made it the most memorable was I stayed at the motel there and I got a root off one of the restaurant barmaids.
2008-01-15 15:35:35 UTC
I really loved going to the Gold Coast.

Not only is it great weather, but i managed to drive down to

Byron Bay for the day, it's great if you love surfing. That place rocks.
Wendy A
2008-01-10 19:01:50 UTC
My Honeymoon....The Great Ocean Road..Victoria Australia...because the scenery changed so much you felt like you were travelling through different countries....

2008-01-12 21:07:49 UTC
I would have to say at the Murray River. My cousins family has a shack up there and it is a great family holiday. You can swim, go in the speedboat, kneeboard, bikeride and its great fun!
2008-01-18 17:50:36 UTC
I had a holiday in OZ back in 1980 from what i can remember i had a good time,but i just loved all the scenery, the flat red desert, the alpine sking and the surfing (only Hawaii beats Australia) and the women man o man !!! what do they put in the water to make such lovely creatures? so to sum it all up OZ is just great mate.
2008-01-14 22:32:53 UTC
Nimbin.Near Byron Bay.Beautiful.
2008-01-12 02:24:22 UTC
Going 200 kilometers west of burke. There is nothing there but a few trees, darling river, cod, emus and kangaroos and you get to travel as fast as you like
2008-01-15 12:12:28 UTC
only been to australia once, live in uk, but went 22mths ago, stayed in cragieburn, melbourne, with friends, for five weeks travelled all over victoria, and went to waranga basin, near geelong i think, it was amazing, couldnt believe, having to bang the caravans for snakes, going to toilet, in outside blocks in middle of night, and how quick the darkness comes, went for a short walk with kids, and minutes later it was pitch black...also drove down Great Ocean Road, to see some 'boring old rocks in the sea' according to my daughter who was 7, on the day we arrived.......scenery was amazing, great place and lifestyle, getting up early to go out, meant leaving bout 2pm........going 20mins up the road........was 3 bus journeys and just down the road, was at least 3 hours drive........great fond memories, would love to go back, and i also got married out there.....i loved it, thanks for bringing back all the memories.x
2008-01-14 06:16:57 UTC
It was when I was a kid at Hearvey Bay I went shell collecting for hours and hours but scared my parents they called the police as they couldn't find me!

but it was so peaceful and I still have fond memoreis of it and two shells
2008-01-14 00:20:34 UTC
it would have to be sailing in the whitsundays. we went for 7 days and visited lots of islands, did lots of snorkelling and relaxed with a book on a pristine, deserted beach while sunning ourselves.

the perfectness of the beaches, water and whole atmosphere is what made it so memorable to me :)
2008-01-13 21:09:04 UTC
I love going to Cairns, QLD. Even in winter it's great! The esplanade and the shops there are fantastic and the hotels, caravan parks and resorts are fun!
2008-01-11 01:42:44 UTC

I just love the gold coast! I loved all the fun parks. And one day we went to brisbane and visited Australia Zoo. It was FABULOUS!!!!!

I've always loved Kalbarri in WA aswell.
2008-01-10 17:51:30 UTC
My favourite place in australia that i have travelled was Queensland. the most memorable part was EVERYTHING.i wish i could go Queensland again.
2008-01-15 20:22:37 UTC
I loved the snowy mountains. It was so different to the costal area where i live. The mountains up there were soo beautiful. I got many pretty photos. And there is sooo much to do.
2008-01-15 14:21:48 UTC
New Year's Day, watched the spectacular fireworks then went to Kings Cross and drank beer till the wee hours of the mornin' was FUN !!!
2008-01-13 20:49:06 UTC
Perth, Fremantle anywhere in WA

hehe im going to WA tommorow

to go to Perth, Fremantle and Rottnest Island

i cant wait!

its my fav holiday because of its beautiful beaches and weather.
k a y l a '=]
2008-01-10 23:39:11 UTC
well im from WA and we have a bush lot in Northcliffe down south. i love it down there where i can ride my motorbikes. We also love to take our three german shepherds down there to. Its pretty special to me cuz its one of the few places where you ca wake up and look outside and there will almost always be a group of emus silently walking by.Also the sound of kookaburras in the morning as you wake up is pretty cool to. The occasional kangaroo is also seen but they are really common almost everywhere so thats pretty ordinary to me =]
Aussie Sarah
2008-01-11 18:40:18 UTC
Lillian Rock, Blue Knob these two places are on the outskirts of Nimbin, also I loved the Pinnacles. i used to live in all these places and Sonia if you do a story please include me!
2008-01-10 23:33:22 UTC

my fave holiday is a small town in NSW called Mullumbimby.

its a quiet country town where you can just relax and enjoy time with your family without all the expensive attractions.
2008-01-14 21:47:08 UTC
Outside Star City at Midnight with only your sparkling diamonds to outshine all that pale moonlight.Your stunning eyes ,your smiling teeth, your Elegance and your Gorgeous long blonde hair.
4X3 H3R0
2008-01-11 01:49:23 UTC
Hi Sonia

I have to say Bussleton dunsborough and Esperance

Nice beaches and good places to camp
2008-01-16 17:41:21 UTC
Port Stephens in NSW. My parents live there. But besides that it has numerous beaches, great wildlife and dolphin watching cruises plus heaps more.
2008-01-16 13:51:16 UTC
If the holiday was with you Sonia, I'd enjoy Mt Druitt.
2008-01-14 15:51:57 UTC
The Melbourne Cup last year was unbelievable. Best holiday ever =)
2008-01-11 01:51:07 UTC
For me it would definitely be visiting the nudist beach north of Byron Bay...Meeting the crazy locals at Nimbin....Hiking Mount Warning.

*Also camping on the beach at Seal Rocks - north of Sydney....Very memorable....
2014-06-20 17:14:32 UTC
Their are no sealed roads just sand tracks to get from one side of the Island to the other and miles of beach to drive along, go fishing, swimming and wind down.
2008-01-15 07:31:25 UTC
Melbourne was a good place to meet friends and see the sites
2008-01-12 20:52:07 UTC
when i was in primary school we had an opportunity to goto Phillip island for three days!! i remeber the whole thing, it was soo cool! we watched the penguin parade!!, we saw cool animals! and we got some souveneirs!! i got a lil plush penguin!, i still have the photos i took when i was there!!
2008-01-11 01:33:51 UTC

my favourite holiday spot is ningaloo reef swimming with whale sharks

i am doin this in may as a starlight wish!!!

2008-01-14 00:53:16 UTC

camping at bottom of Mt Buffallo,heard dingoes on way to toilet and i peed my pants.

It was last time all my family were together (alive).
2008-01-10 19:14:31 UTC
Hi! I really liked Swanport. My class went there for camp. And there's so much to do!!! Boating, many challenges, and gem fossicking, and looking for cute possums!
2014-06-15 19:03:48 UTC
I went hiking in the Blue Mountains. The serenity and the beauty of the area make it so memorable.
2008-01-14 18:28:49 UTC
well i live in aussie but i loved my holiday to gold coast very busy!!!! and had loads of fun! but dawin where i use to live very great cant beat the tropics!
2008-01-14 08:15:02 UTC
sorry, i can not give you any advise about australia because i never had been australia. but i want to visit australia as like you in my vacation.
Sam D
2008-01-16 01:10:27 UTC
Adilad i got my best boyfriend there on santkilda beach on new years day 2007
2008-01-15 01:07:01 UTC
Jindabyne in June
Danny Dix
2008-01-11 17:20:58 UTC
It was on a little beach far, far from the nearest road in deepest, darkest Nth QLD that I had discovered while browsing the coastline in Google Earth.

The beach was inset back into a cutting in the rock, no more than 200mtrs wide, with tropical trees overhanging the towering rock buttresses at either side.

I had concealed my landcruiser in the jungle some 9km away and hiked into the coastal rainforest with just a backpack, tent and machete.

The canopy was so dense that it was eternal twilight at ground level. As I hiked through the undercover, Birds, snakes and animals of a dazzling variety of brilliant colours scurried off here and there after staring in amazement at their first human encounter.

I finally broke out of the tangle of clinging vegetation into bright sunlight and pristine golden sand.

It was worth the torn shirt and effort to get there, just to glaze at the glistening jewelled sea with it's majestically rolling waves marching in from the Pacific ocean, sliding over and finally sighing gently onto the untrodden golden sand.

I remember wondering whether I might have been the first white man ever to step into this tropical nirvana.

I set my campsite under a large shady tree on a grassy knoll, collected firewood and found fresh running water cascading down from the rainforest at the stem of a warm sandy lagoon behind the beach.

After a lunch of easily caught fish and a refreshing swim across the mouth of the beach, I settled onto my towel to catch the last of the warm tropical afternoon sun.

The soft whisper of the sea, the cry of the gulls and the sound of the sea-breeze in the trees soon lulled me into peacefull sleep, and all thought of my bustling city life faded.

Suddenly I became aware of a shadow across my private world and I raised my head to find the most beautifully attractive woman that I have ever seen, standing beside my towel with a smile on her face, a cool drink in her hand, and one of the large red tropical flowers I had noticed on the hike in, tucked into her curly blond hair.

She had a campsite somewhere a few headlands away to the south, and had noticed my campfire earlier in the day.

I was relieved to see she was dressed as informally as I, as my swimmers were still in the drawer at home.

She welcomed me to the neighbourhood, saying she thought I could do with a refreshing drink she had made from freshly opened coconuts and squeezed honeydew melons from the edge of the forest.

We stayed together five beautiful romantic sun-kissed days on that beach, far from human habitation swimming, fishing for our meals and enjoying the peace and serenity of our small world, becoming as tanned and carefree as ever, until one morning I awoke and she was gone.

After a few days, I packed my kit and pushed back through the jungle to my cruiser and made my way back to the city, the dreary people and my mundane workaday existence.

It was several weeks before I got around to unpacking the last of my camping kit, probably because it was the last reminder of my holiday with my mysterious wild and wonderful 'island girl' as I called her, in liu of knowing her name.

In the bottom of my pack was my GPS. When I switched it on to check the co-ordinates of the secret beach that would now live on in bitter-sweet memory for the rest of my life, I found I couldn't get the wretched thing to work.

Removing the back to check the batteries, I discovered a small piece of rolled paper in place of one of the batteries with a date (three weeks ahead) and a set of very accurate co-ordinates.

When I located and replaced the missing battery and punched in the numbers from the piece of paper, they brought up a site next to a remote river in western NSW.

I was in camp beside that shady river that day when she strolled into camp with her golden hair, that gorgeous smile and those long sunkissed legs clad in Doc Martins.

I guess anywhere is fine for a holiday really, as long as you're with the one you love.

Gotta go now, we're packing for the Kimberleys and the kids (blond hair, tiny Doc Martins) are eager as hell.



2008-01-10 23:23:46 UTC
Hi, Sonia

I loved visiting the Barossa Valley. it is so beautiful there.
2008-01-14 23:57:09 UTC
I live in Australia and my absolute fav place would have to be the Whitsundays! I love going there, because i just live west of there! i LOVE IT THERE!
2008-01-13 01:40:16 UTC
mount tamborine just beautiful water falls,, reinforest,bushwalks, camping etc. so much to do and still only 1 hour away from surfers paradise which has everything else you need
2008-01-10 17:21:46 UTC
Sydney, it was my first time i went on a plaine and it was a good experience, So much to do although there was only 3 days i enjoyed it too :)
2008-01-12 04:39:42 UTC
2008-01-30 18:57:36 UTC
I love Brisbane - you can walk out your hotel, straight onto the world's best beach.
Shane S
2008-01-15 23:07:11 UTC
huskinsson south coast nsw it is so easy to get along with people down +the views across Jervis bay is the best for me
2008-01-14 17:51:12 UTC
Seal Rocks,Byron Bay,Noosa Heads Psst! (i cant tell you the good ones as its crowded enough already)
2008-01-13 07:15:05 UTC
It depends on your feeling. For me I prefer country train ride and hunting.
2008-01-11 22:05:32 UTC
i love to go to Kiama n.s.w

the beaches are beautiful the little town is relaxing i go to other places but when i wont time out i keep going back to their its so friendly
2008-01-14 22:54:54 UTC
Without a ? Marti Gr as!
2008-01-11 23:47:46 UTC
it would have to be Queensland i love the amusement parks and all the scenery and also Sydney the sites you can see there are great.
2008-01-11 21:23:42 UTC
I drove to Brisbane one from Melbourne. hard work
Tom W
2008-01-15 12:05:24 UTC
Jennifer has it, the best trip is the one up to Darwin. Its really something to see.
little zebulon
2008-01-16 20:08:15 UTC
Sydney...its a really beautiful place (minus some pollution ^^)
2008-01-10 15:03:20 UTC
i like goin on road trips up to texas in queensland from my house in penrith
The Mr Patron Saint of Love+lies
2008-01-16 00:14:03 UTC
currently i am in bourke enjoying lots of fun stuff. eg. the River ;). If you are ever in Bourke, i advise you to try the Port of Bourke bistro... it was fully wicked cool ;)

(L) me
kirsten m
2008-01-12 12:58:46 UTC
2008-01-15 22:00:03 UTC
Gold Coast! I love it!
2008-01-12 18:00:37 UTC
Queensland. It was my 1st time on a plane.
2008-01-15 23:15:15 UTC
Hat Head...NSW
2008-01-11 23:06:46 UTC
Port Douglas!!!

Beautifull beaches and atmosphere!!!

Loved it!
2008-01-15 17:46:03 UTC
none of them returning to nz was a lot better
2008-01-16 20:12:20 UTC
Stirling Ranges - WA - they are stunning.
2008-01-16 09:44:46 UTC
no opınıon? Havw you anywhere to offer? It would be grreat to try

be happy and always smıle :))))))
2008-01-13 20:56:34 UTC
TASMANIA! It's absolutely beautiful! Loved it!
2008-01-12 15:36:07 UTC
stanthorpe-queensland,nice place and because it was with my dad
2008-01-11 13:48:00 UTC
the beaches, the surf and the women who don't wear much :-)
2008-01-14 16:06:25 UTC
Boulia - when you get there, you will understand.
2008-01-10 16:18:01 UTC
I love you Sonia
Haribo M
2008-01-10 15:30:26 UTC
I dont know all of it!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.