What are the best cities to live in, in Australia?
2011-10-04 20:12:53 UTC
I like Australia it has everything I like, but I haven't quite found the roght city. I love Cairns because of the matine biology and location. But I don't know if it's the best. Where is a place with a low crime rate, good marine biology jobs, and is a good place to start a business.
Four answers:
C.M. C
2011-10-05 07:41:26 UTC
Cameron, firstly you would be looking from Cairns and south to Townsville and further south.

You didn't mention are you a Marine Biologist? Secondly, it sounds like your from another country which you have not mentioned, you have to see if your profession fits within the Australian Immigration criteria.

As for Marine Biologists, Australia, because how it's located, is one of the leading countries into the Marine Sciences, and the interest of the Great Barrier Reef, and off South Australia I believe with the sharks.

Lastly, what sort of business did you want a start?
sir cnqaus
2011-10-05 06:16:08 UTC
As far as Marine Biology goes, Townsville would probably be a better option than Cairns.

Townsville has the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Australian Institute of Marine Science, Reef Co-operative Research Centre, James Cook University and CSIRO Davies Lab (although mostly concerned with tropical agriculture, water & soil).
2011-10-05 04:42:36 UTC
I don't think anywhere has much in the way of marine biology jobs. All the cities have low crime rates and are good places to live.

Which place is best to start a business depends obviously on the business.
2011-10-05 03:55:57 UTC
Based on general quality of life (economics, culture, education) the following australian cities were rated with the following:

1) Melbourne

6) Sydney

6) Brisbane

6) Adelaide

I suggest you go for a visit first before taking the plunge as being a "good city" is subjective to your personal choices. Visit sites like: for budget tours.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.