you fool, your derogatory remark about Vietnam is pathetic, you praise the British effort at the Falklands, the British lost 255 soldiers killed in 74 days against an Army that didn't want to be there, that's a disgrace not a victory, that's half the amount that we lost in Vietnam in 7 years you fool.
WW1 you would have been defeated in 1914 if it wasn't for Indian troops who came to your aid, Australia would win a town in France, hand it over the British and they'd lose it overnight, Australia had to come back and win it back, that happened time and time again.
WW2 the British claim to have won in El Alamein and many other battles, no, it was Australians but you called Australians British over and over because we were part of the Commonwealth, now keep you mouth shut until you know what your talking about.
as i said before, you claim how wonderful the British are but you don't even live there, you live in a country that treats women like criminals
Maybe you should listen to Johnny Hortons song the Battle of New Orleans it describes the British down to a tee.