2012-07-06 16:40:32 UTC
This is the way I see it:
Mining Tax. Our minerals, our money.
Economic Management. Rudd's $900 Plasma TV gift aside, Australia has done well compared to the rest of the world (and yes, I know we have to thank our minerals and China).
NBN. Abbott's plan was outdated. We need this network.
Carbon Tax. Should have been a success, but by all reports, $23 a tonne too high, and will damage industry will result in hardship to the general Australian populous.
Boats/Malaysia. Policy change = more people making that journey and perishing at sea. Can't get the Malaysia agreement happening in the minority Government they formed.
BER. Huge waste.
Pink Batts. Waste and deaths of young workers due to dodgy practices.
Peter Slipper. This bloke was on the nose to begin with.
Craig Thompson. Should have been dis endorsed him long ago.
GroceryWatch. Couldn't get it off the ground.
PetrolWatch. As above.
Australia Day riot fiasco. Lies from a staffer.
Indonesian Cattle Export saga. Australia could ill afford to stop those exports cold. Apparently Indonesia has looked elsewhere and the trade has never recovered.
Andrew Wilkie Pokies Trial. Straight out lied to get his vote.
Rudd's Treatment. Ongoing dramas causing potential instability.