2013-11-23 06:48:45 UTC
I'd like to know a bit about the job prospects out there and if it actually is an improvement in lifestyle compared to the UK. (Stupid question I know)
Secondly, my father who will be the leading name on the visa application form is a Refrigeration/Aircon engineer with 23 years experience in the industry. Also, I'm going to be put down on the visa, I'm studying for a degree in Computer Science and hopefully with prospects of achieving a Masters degree to boost my chances of a better job. My Sister is qualified in Child care who will be coming with us and my mother is a qualified Nail Technician and Beauty Therapist. Would we be looking at a wide range of options when it comes to looking for work?
Furthermore, my father is currently on an annual wage of £35,000, would he likely see an improvement on this if we successfully migrated?
We unfortunately feel into the hands of scam artists last year and lost around £2,500 to them after they failed to actually do anything when it came to obtaining us a visa.
What advice can you guys give me on this?
Thanks a lot.