G'day Nelson
I am sure you're having an awesome time being back in Aussie Land.
Your schedule for this visit must be jam packed already!! So I am giving you some idea's for your next visit *wink wink*
Forget the Major Cities & head north!! drive up through the Mid North Coast of NSW.
We have some of the best country towns by the sea, some with natural and/or historical attractions...
*Port Macquarie, touristy place but just a lil north there is a 'pick your own' strawberries place with cafe..mmmmm fresh strawberries.
*South West Rocks for the old jail, beaches & lookouts.
*Frederickton where you Must stop for their famous pies
*NAMBUCCA HEADS is a Must!! ok so I live here, but honestly with our own special sub tropical climate of 24 deg almost year round. Breathtaking & interesting outlooks. Beaches to suit everyone, surf, waveless, great rock pools, some are perfect for snorkeling, some great for a walk/run, there is never a crowd even during holidays. Not forgetting our river for swimming, kayak/canoe/boating, fishing, picnics & boardwalk which now follows the river from near the highway to the ocean via the V-Wall & Painted Rocks.. Don't forget to bring some paint & leave a message on a rock!! You cannot jog/run past this (well not the first time) as there are so many great messages from people that visit, lots from people who visit yearly even from america!, some great art work too.
*Bowraville 'The Verandah Post Town' besides museums & galleries, it is also where the 1980 movie set was for "The Umbrella Woman".
*Bellingen for its river, music festivals, groovy people, lush green country.
*Dorrigo National Park for stunning Water Falls & Rainforest Walk.
*Hungry Head to see the kangaroos that like to hangout there lol
*Urunga has a very long boardwalk to the ocean & the Urunga Hotel/Pub has THE BEST 'melt in your mouth' steak sandwich ($7) is to die for!! I take all my visitors there!
*Coffs has tourist attractions like the Big Banana & Fishermans warf.
Keep heading north for the little Italy, then Macadamian Castle & not forgetting Byron Bay. Others more in the know, have left messages about these areas
I have just mentioned only a few places that I know & have been to, I still have alot of exploring to do along the mid north coast.
I do hope you may have time on your next visit to experience what our north east coast has to offer.
Whatever you do & where ever you go, you are sure to have an unforgettable time!!!
Take Care Nelson & Have Fun Down Under
Best Wishes
PS If by any chance you want to take someone (maybe a widowed mum) to share a new experience with you (esp WA) my 12yo daughter & I would be happy to volunteer :-) What an unbelievable experience it would be!!
I would not normally post this kind of 'sob story' bit on a message board but I truely would love to see WA or any other part of Aussie.